The Planning Council needs a membership committee and a clear and open nominations
process to choose new Planning Council members and to replace members when a
member’s term ends or the person resigns.
This includes making sure that the Planning Council membership overall and the consumer membership meet the requirements of reflectiveness - having characteristics that reflect the local epidemic in such areas as race, ethnicity, gender, age, and representation - filling the required membership categories stated in the legislation.
Reflectiveness refers to a Planning Council’s membership consisting of at least 33 percent HIV+, non-aligned individuals who receive Part A funded services. (A non-aligned individual is someone who is not an officer, employee, spouse or family member of an employee, or consulted to any subrecipient that receives Part A funding)
*Please note that council membership is limited to two (2) representatives from any organization.
Your Time on the Council
Planning Council meetings are held bi-monthly via ZOOM.
Your commitment to the panning council and committees includes attending all scheduled meetings.
Membership shall be for two (2) years and shall commence upon the date of approval. Members may serve up to three (3) consecutive terms if they meet all membership requirements, successfully complete the application and nomination process, and are reappointed.
New Member Application Process | Directions
Please download and complete the application, and sign the Statement of Member Commitment. Return the completed form to:
Planning Council Support
741 Monticello Avenue, Room 201
Norfolk, VA 23510
Fax: 888-894-2674
All information in this application is confidential. Terms for Planning Council members are for two years, with a maximum of three term limit.
Once received, your application will be reviewed to ensure it is complete. We will contact you to confirm we have received it.
Your application will then be added to the pool of applications for the Membership and Nominations Committee to review.
At each monthly Membership and Nominations Committee meeting, the membership profile of the Planning Council is reviewed. If new members are needed, the committee will review all of the current applications.
If your application is chosen, you will be contacted to confirm that you wish to participate. If you agree, you will be recommended for interview with the Membership and Nominations Committee, and if approved, will be forwarded to the Mayor of the City of Norfolk for appointment. Generally, it will take about a month for the Mayor’s Office to consider your appointment. You will also be encouraged to begin taking part in Planning Council activities.
If we do not choose your application right away, don’t worry! New members are appointed as people leave the Council, so sometimes it can take a while. We will keep your application active for future membership reviews, and we will keep you informed of the status of your application. In the meantime, you are welcome to join a committee, and take part in any of our meetings as a member of the public.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Teresa Malilwe
Fax: 888-894-2674
The Norfolk Area Ryan White Part A Planning Council is a federally mandated community group appointed by the Mayor of the City of Norfolk.
Re-Appointment Application Process | Directions
Please download and complete the application, and sign the Statement of Member Commitment. Return the completed form to:
Planning Council Support
741 Monticello Avenue, Room 201
Norfolk, VA 23510
Fax: 888-894-2674
All information in this application is confidential. Terms for Planning Council members are for two years, with a maximum of three term limit.
Re-acceptance is based on demonstrated service and commitment to the Planning Council and is not automatic.
The reappointment recommendation also requires the approval of the full Planning Council and the Mayor of the City of Norfolk.
All PC members who desire to be reappointed for membership must also arrange for an evaluation interview. Please call Planning Council Support at 757.823.4409 to schedule this interview
Planning Council Representation
The Planning Council shall be composed of Members of racial/ethnic groups, such as Latino/Hispanic, African-American, Native American, and Asian/Pacific Islander, in proportion to the racial/ethnic demographics of the TGA.
At least one-third (1/3) of the total Planning Council Membership shall be non-aligned PWH and who are eligible to receive Ryan White services. To ensure parity, inclusion and representation of all HIV service issues, PWH, should include members of racial/ethnic groups in proportion to the racial/ethnic distribution of HIV cases in the TGA and include:
Co-infected with Hepatitis C
Recently released from a correctional facility within the last three years
These Members cannot have conflicts of interest with an organization receiving or that could potentially receive Ryan White funding.
The Planning Council shall consist of up to a maximum of Twenty-eight (28) Members and shall include representatives of the following groups:
Health Care Providers including Federally Qualified Heath Centers (FQHCs);
Community-Based Organizations serving affected populations and AIDS Service Organizations;
Social Service Providers, including providers of housing and homeless services;
Mental Health Care Providers;
Substance Abuse Providers;
Local Public Health Agencies;
Hospital Planning Agencies or Health Care Planning Agencies;
Affected Communities, including individuals with HIV disease and historically underserved group subpopulations;
Non-Elected Community Leaders;
State Medicaid Agency;
State Part B Agency;
Grantees under Sub-Part II or Part C;
Grantees under Section 2671 [Part D], or, if none operating in the area, representatives of organizations with a history of serving children, youth, women, and families living with HIV and operating in the area;
Grantees of other Federal HIV Programs, including, but not limited to providers of HIV Prevention Programs; and
Individuals who formerly were Federal, State, or Local prisoners, were released from the custody of the penal system during the preceding three (3) years, and have HIV disease as of the date on which the individuals were so released.
Planning Council Reflectiveness
Reflectiveness refers to a Planning Council’s membership consisting of at least 33 percent HIV+, non-conflicted individuals who receive Part A funded services.
A non-conflicted individual is someone who is not an officer, employee, or consultant to any provider that receives Part A funds.
The Decision Process
What is a formal vote?
Formal voting is required for certain decisions such as membership, changes to By-laws and allocations. Robert’s Rules of Order or parliamentary procedure is used to guide voting processes with a motion made, seconded then discussed and voted upon. This process typically is through a show of hands with ‘yes’ votes, ‘no’ votes and ‘abstention. For some crucial votes, a written ballot is taken (voting for Co-Chair of the Planning Council). For more information, please see Robert’s Rules of Order.
What does it mean to abstain from voting and when should I abstain?
Abstaining means that you decide to NOT vote on an action.
You should abstain if you are presiding over a meeting, to be sure you are objective.
You should abstain if you have a conflict of interest (you or your organization could financially benefit from a decision).
You should abstain if you do not have enough information to vote. If you didn’t attend a previous meeting where discussion of the matter was held in detail, and this puts you at a handicap, then abstain on that vote.
Do not abstain if you are unsure about an issue. Seek information and come to a decision as part of your duty as a member.
What is a Quorum and why does it matter?
A quorum is a simple majority (50% or over of the total, if all Planning Council members are present this equals 13 or 52% of the 25 total members). A quorum must be present at each Planning Council meeting where voting occurs, and at each of the three (3) working committee meetings (Membership/Finance, Quality Improvement and Strategic Planning & Assessment–see Committees).
A committee meeting must have three (3) council members, one of which is the committee co-chair for quorum (or the ability to vote on matters that go forward to the Planning Council).
What is a Conflict of Interest and what does that mean?
A conflict of interest is when a member knowingly influences the outcome of votes or decisions that could financially benefit that member, the organization that they work for, or a service